
What is the Church to DO!

A lot of people are asking a very good question these days, they are asking "what is the church" or "what makes a church a church". To me a lot of the confusion over what a church is centers on another question. In order to know what a church is we need to know our task, or our mission. There are all kinds of things that pass as "church" today, but most fall short of actually being what Jesus intended when he said, "I will build my church". The church that Jesus built and is still building today is a group of people united around a mission, God's mission. I know that is a little simplistic, but understand my goal in writing this post isn't to define what constitutes a biblical church, but to instead make sure we have answered what I think is an important first question. What is the Church to DO?

I believe that the Church exists to Love God, Love People and Turn the World Up-side Down. I get this from two primary places. The first two parts come from the great commandment found in Matthew 22:34-40, and the last part we get from the great commission, found in Matthew 28:18-20. In both of these places Jesus is condensing what the Church is suppose to do down to their simplest form. For me if you miss any one of these parts as a church you miss the whole thing and cease to be what Jesus intended.

To break it down a little some of us are great at loving God, we enjoy gathering for worship, we enjoy reading the Bible, and praying, but we don't like people very much. We don't like to love our neighbor, and we don't think about our mission other than to occasionally invite someone to come to "church" with us, so that we can preach to them

Some of us love people, and we go out of our way to engage with our neighbor or to have a conversation with a friend or stranger for that matter, but we don't love God very much, because we don't worship Him, or listen to His Word, and we don't engage in conversation with God, through prayer. We think our mission is to engage the world in a conversation instead of preaching the truth of the Gospel.

The sweet spot is to have all three, and really the only way we get our mission right. We need to Love both God and People, and we need to both engage and preach in order to Turn the World Up-side Down. It isn't an either or, it is a both and. You Can't claim to love God and neglect to engage the world that He loves. You can't claim to love the world without sharing the truth of the Gospel, that Jesus God's son came and died on a cross so that we could be forgiven and live our life to the fullest both here and for eternity in heaven.



Your Word is Truth Part 2

When we live the word we live truth. See previous post here. Jesus prays that we will be sanctified by the truth, so that we can be sent into the world. Your sanctification isn't exclusively for you. You are sanctified for a purpose.

John 17:14-18
I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 15I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. 16They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 17Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. 18As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.

As Christians were should look different from the world b/c we are like Jesus, but we must engage the world and live in the world. We are sanctified for this purpose. Jesus was sent into the world and now he sends us. How can we engage the world? Do you feel like you have been sent into the world, or do you feel like you have retreated from the world? Or maybe you feel like there is no distinction between you and the world. Does the world hate you? They should and when they do we better make sure we don't retreat into our Christian bubble. Can you imagine if Jesus had retreated? The call to follow Christ is a call to die to self.



Our Hearts our Idol Factories...

I was recently at Advance 09' and was privileged to hear some amazing preaching.  One of the most impact-full was a message from Mark Driscoll on Ministry Idolatry.  I would recommend to everyone of you to download this message and then pray that God will speak to your heart.  Next I would suggest buckling up for a beat-down from the Holy Spirit.  Leave some comments on what God is saying to you through this.  
