
Life: The American Idol

I have been thinking recently about life. It always seems to happen this time of year. The preservation of our life is something that we value more that anything. We will go to great lengths to make sure that we are safe and secure. We will go to the same lengths for the ones we love as well. I am not saying that there is anything inherently wrong with this. However if we are not careful we take the creation (life) and put it in the place of the creator (God). Anytime we do this we create an idol.

Paul said in Philippians 1:21 that for him "to live is Christ and to die is gain". We were created to live for God and to make much of the name of Jesus. By valuing safety and security over God we have replaced our God with an idol. For Paul life meant fruitful labor for Christ, and dying is viewed as a good thing because it means seeing Jesus. Instead of this view many of us think that we exist for OUR good, and to preserve OUR life is gain. This view forgets that our life is nor our own. We were bought at a high price, and we now belong to the King.


Hosea 1:2-3

“When the Lord first spoke through Hosea, the Lord said to Hosea, ‘Go, take to yourself a wife of whoredom and have children of whoredom, for the land commits great whoredom by forsaking the Lord.’ So he went and took Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.” Hosea 1:2-3

The theme of Hosea is laid out for us in these two verses, “Take to yourself a wife of whoredom… For the land commits great whoredom by forsaking the Lord.” Here we will look at the two types of whoredom in two parts. First in the post we’ll look at the believer’s whoredom. In the next post we’ll look at the unbeliever’s whoredom. Let’s begin with the believer.

As believers in the Gospel, this is our condition. We are Gomer. We are the whores. The ones pledging our affection solely to Christ, then turning to love anything else. To describe this better I default to Henry Scougal’s small yet powerful book (originally a letter) “The Life of God in the Soul of Man”. Within which he writes we must,

“…Wean our affections from created things, and all the delights and entertainments of the lower life, which sink and depress the souls of men, and retard their motions toward God and heaven; and this we must do by possessing our minds with a deep persuasion of the vanity and emptiness of worldly enjoyments.”

“This is an ordinary theme, and everybody can make declamations upon it; but alas! How few understand and believe what they say? These notions float in our brains, and come sliding off our tongues, but we have no deep impression of them on our spirits; we feel not the truth which we pretend to believe. We can tell that all the glory and splendor, all the pleasures and enjoyments of the world are vanity and nothing; and yet these nothings take up all our thoughts, and engross all our affections, they stifle the better inclinations of our soul, and inveigle us into many a sin.”

We say we love Christ Jesus more than life, and love, and freedom, and family, and friends and money, yet we spend more time worrying about, thinking upon and hoping for these things than we ever have Christ. We, the believers in the Gospel, are the whores, placing our affections anywhere but on Jesus.

Thus the necessity of the Gospel, we knew not how we ought to love, therefore Christ came; we knew not how we ought to live, therefore Christ came; we knew not what it meant to be alive, therefore Christ came. Paying our debt by dying in our place and propitiating the punishment we so justly deserved. So that, positionally speaking, we now stand before God perfect, by Christ work only. Though we are shot through with our sin, and in dire need of progressive sanctification.

Fight the good fight of faith,
Romans 7:24-25


For the guys!

Men take five minutes and watch this video...

Jesus is all satisfying, embrace Him.




It has been my very great pleasure to get to lead DCF these last couple of months, and I know that God has blessed me with the opportunity to get to know many of you. As most of you know and the rest will soon find out, DCF will be ending at the end of December and we are inviting you to join what God is doing with Journey the Way. God is in the process of starting a church in downtown Wichita KS and this could be your opportunity to be a part of this work. Many of those involved with DCF are also involved with Journey the Way. I would ask you to consider plugging into this work of God. Below is our Core Team Covenant for you to look over and consider.

Journey the Way

Core Team Covenant

c Are you confident that God has called you to Journey the Way.

c Are you willing to be held accountable in the following areas:

o Love God: It is vital for disciples to have regular encounters with God in which they worship Him, hear from Him, and respond to Him in obedience. Bible reading, prayer, private and corporate worship, and journaling are all part of what it means to Love God.

o Love People: As we interact with God, it is vital that we not approach glorifying God on our own, but that we intentionally interact with others who Love God. These “connections” will bring about transformation in us as we authentically encourage, instruct and support one another. Jesus’ love of people was radical and unconditional and so we need to Love People with no strings attached.

o Turn the World Up-side Down: True Disciples will use their gifts, talents, vocations, and time not only to touch our church, but also to touch the communities they live in, and the world. Jesus came not to be served, but to serve and to give His life. When we live as Jesus lived we will be a movement of servants that have the potential to turn the world upside-down.

c Are you willing to fully pull away from your current church and embrace Journey the Way as your local church?

c Are you willing to generously give of your creativity, time, spiritual gifts and income in order to fulfill the vision of Journey the Way?

c Are you willing to wholeheartedly serve and support the mission of Journey the Way, even in the messiness, ambiguity, and adventure of the early stages?

In awareness of and submission to these expectations, I commit myself to the Journey the Way Core Team.

Chad Pearce