
Which Line have you crossed?

I was listening to Craig Groeschel of Life Church, and he really impressed me with his passion for the kingdom over and above his church.  There were several things that he said that made me think but one in particular was near the end of his message, where he talked about Christians crossing one of three lines.  He said that all Christians cross at least one of these lines, and that as Pastors we need to call people to cross all three.  Take a moment and examine yourself to see which line(s) you have crossed.

Line 1: I believe in the gospel enough to benefit from it

This is the first line people cross.  Essentially they believe the gospel enough to escape hell, have a better marriage, get control of their finances, attend church, like the music...

Line 2: I believe in the gospel enough to contribute comfortably

Cross this line and people believe enough to volunteer in church, open their home for a group, sing on the worship team, hold babies, serve on a committee...

Line 3: I believe in the gospel enough to die to self 

Cross this line and you must die...This is a call to selfless love and devotion to God's mission.

Which line have you crossed?



Love People

So I was people watching all day yesterday since I flew from Wichita through Atlanta to Orlando.  My prayer all day was that I would see people like Jesus sees people.  Be careful when you pray that.  There are a lot of hurting people in our world.  God gave me a window into fractured marriages hurting students, confused and bitter people.  I did get to see some joy and some laughter.  One thing that struck me was just how isolated we in America have become.  Most people sit in an airport surrounded by life, and do everything they can to disconnect from it.  They listen to the ipod or read a book or check the email.  I saw very few conversations.  So then I was convicted, b/c I am the same way.  Even though I didn't have my book out or ear buds in, I was still just observing people, instead of engaging them.  I must admit loving people is hard work.  Lets face it loving us is hard work.  I want to issue a challenge, a challenge to engage the world around you.  I not saying start going door to door or anything like that, but at least have some conversation with those God has placed around you.  

I will leave you with this story.  So after feeling convicted while sitting in the airport, I did what I rarely do, and I immediately obeyed, and did what I thought God wanted me to do.  I began to engage with the people around me.  Some blew me off but others were willing to talk.  I got to talk with a lady who was trying hard to disconnect and when she finally started talking I could tell that she really wanted to connect.  Turns out it was the lady's head basketball coach for the University of Central Florida.  Joy is her name and she has a tough job, with lots of people to impress, and I could tell she works hard at it.  Our conversation wasn't deep or very long but after just a few moments of talking I knew how I could pray for her.  God wants us to be His representatives in this world and to do that we have to engage people.  


Who Wants to be Great?

Who wants to be great?

Who among us doesn’t want to be great, or do something worthwhile, or at least be a part of something amazing?  It seems like we live in a culture fascinated with celebrity.  We see this with the success of shows like TMZ and the myriad of ET like shows.  It has even shown up with the plethora of shows where the average Joe can reach celebrity status almost overnight.  A great example of this would be Melissa Rycroft who became famous enough to be on dancing with the “stars” after one season on the Bachelor.  But we all know that being famous doesn’t make someone great, don’t we?  What happens when this desire to reach celebrity like status reaches the church?  People seem to get their priorities all out of wack, they see the stage as the pinnacle of Spirituality, and that after having reached that pinnacle they should remain there as though they were royalty. 


The reality is that those who lead and those who teach bear a greater judgment.  It isn’t just people in our day who have this issue.  Even Jesus’ disciples struggled with the idea of being great, and knowing what it takes to get there.  Look at how Jesus handles this: 


Matthew 20:20-28 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came up to him with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something. 21And he said to her, "What do you want?" She said to him, "Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom." 22Jesus answered,  "You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?" They said to him, "We are able." 23He said to them,  "You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father." 24And when the ten heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers. 25But Jesus called them to him and said,  "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, 27and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, 28even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."


Jesus sets the perfect example of what it truly means to be great.  He came to serve and to ultimately give His life for us.  So if we as Christians are suppose to be like Him then doesn’t that mean that we need to be a group of servants?  We want Journey the Way to be a movement of servants, not a gathering of consumers or celebrity seekers.  Would you consider joining the movement?


Chad Pearce


Core Team

So the cat is out of the bag so to speak.  Journey the Way has been almost 4 years in the making.  God placed the seed of a Church Plant in my heart the summer of 2005, while in Seattle on a mission trip.  A lot has happened since that summer and God has grown this seed into a full blown passion to see God's mission lived out.  We want to start a movement of people who Love God, Love People, and desire to Turn the World Up-Side Down.  It is my firm belief that God has been working on the hearts of others to join us in this mission.   We are actively looking for people to be a part of what God is going to do.  If you are interested in this we should talk.  email me at chad.theway@gmail.com.  


Why Start a New Church?

Journey The Way is a new church plant in Wichita KS.  It seems like whenever I mention to Christians in established churches that I am planting a new church in Wichita they ask me why a new church is needed.  I must admit, when I first heard about church planting I thought the same thing.  The problem with this line of thought is that it almost assumes churches are in competition with each other, rather than in partnership with each other.  The simple bottom line answer to this question (why a new church) is because new churches reach people for Jesus.  

Here are some thoughts and stats for you to consider.  Please leave me your thoughts and comments.

(Scott Thomas, “Why Start a Church,” Acts 29 Bootcamp, 2006):

·      Roughly 3,500 churches die and close each year in America. There are only enough church plants to keep up with 1/8 of the U.S. population growth.

·      There are only 100 churches planted for every 1 million people and with an average attendance of 80 to 90 people that means they will house only 8,000 to 9,000 people.

·      Nationally, the population grew 13.2% between 1990 and 2000 but new churches were only planted at a 5% rate.

·      The United States remains the fourth largest mission field in the world.  A continuous influx of people from all over the world created this phenomenon.

·      Approximately 2000 new immigrants and visitors come to the U.S. daily.  Thousands of them come to live here permanently and others stay a few years for business or for further education.  The mission field is right at out doorsteps!