
Why Start a New Church?

Journey The Way is a new church plant in Wichita KS.  It seems like whenever I mention to Christians in established churches that I am planting a new church in Wichita they ask me why a new church is needed.  I must admit, when I first heard about church planting I thought the same thing.  The problem with this line of thought is that it almost assumes churches are in competition with each other, rather than in partnership with each other.  The simple bottom line answer to this question (why a new church) is because new churches reach people for Jesus.  

Here are some thoughts and stats for you to consider.  Please leave me your thoughts and comments.

(Scott Thomas, “Why Start a Church,” Acts 29 Bootcamp, 2006):

·      Roughly 3,500 churches die and close each year in America. There are only enough church plants to keep up with 1/8 of the U.S. population growth.

·      There are only 100 churches planted for every 1 million people and with an average attendance of 80 to 90 people that means they will house only 8,000 to 9,000 people.

·      Nationally, the population grew 13.2% between 1990 and 2000 but new churches were only planted at a 5% rate.

·      The United States remains the fourth largest mission field in the world.  A continuous influx of people from all over the world created this phenomenon.

·      Approximately 2000 new immigrants and visitors come to the U.S. daily.  Thousands of them come to live here permanently and others stay a few years for business or for further education.  The mission field is right at out doorsteps!


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  2. why plant a church? because it's the freakin' mission our Savior gave us! (Matt. 28:19-20, Acts 1:8) oh...and all those good stats you mentioned as well :-). I'm totally with you...there are not nearly enough churches to reach, let alone hold, the lost... including Wichita. I'm so glad you're doing what you're doing and I pray God uses you and your team to welcome a whole new crowd of people into the Kingdom. And I look forward to meeting them.
