
Which Line have you crossed?

I was listening to Craig Groeschel of Life Church, and he really impressed me with his passion for the kingdom over and above his church.  There were several things that he said that made me think but one in particular was near the end of his message, where he talked about Christians crossing one of three lines.  He said that all Christians cross at least one of these lines, and that as Pastors we need to call people to cross all three.  Take a moment and examine yourself to see which line(s) you have crossed.

Line 1: I believe in the gospel enough to benefit from it

This is the first line people cross.  Essentially they believe the gospel enough to escape hell, have a better marriage, get control of their finances, attend church, like the music...

Line 2: I believe in the gospel enough to contribute comfortably

Cross this line and people believe enough to volunteer in church, open their home for a group, sing on the worship team, hold babies, serve on a committee...

Line 3: I believe in the gospel enough to die to self 

Cross this line and you must die...This is a call to selfless love and devotion to God's mission.

Which line have you crossed?


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